Is It Okay to Want to Be #2?
“People ask me if I want to be the CEO someday,” Jeremy shared over tacos. ”I say yes because I think I’m supposed to. But, honestly, I don’t want to be the boss. I like being number two. Is there … Continued
“People ask me if I want to be the CEO someday,” Jeremy shared over tacos. ”I say yes because I think I’m supposed to. But, honestly, I don’t want to be the boss. I like being number two. Is there … Continued
I’ve been tired a lot lately. After an illness last year that involved a couple of surgeries, I’m feeling stronger, but nowhere close to being able to work full-time again. For weeks, my number one prayer request was for … Continued
In the aftermath of the most devastating trauma of my life, my days were buried under an oppressive, raw pain, with no end in sight. I could not even imagine a future worth living. Each morning when I woke … Continued
The parking lot was filling up with cars and abuzz with people as we gathered to caravan to our annual all-church retreat. The advance team had gone ahead with the food and equipment. Leaning against the playground fence, … Continued